Mining - [Minera v0.9.2] Your next mining dashboard - Antminer/CPUminer/CGminer/BFGminer/PhoenixMiner | Kiếm Tiền Trên Mạng - Make Money Online

If you like Minera please consider a donation to support its development: you can donate to my BTC address: 1AmREReHNLec9EaW7gLRdW31LNSDA9SGR1

NOW SUPPORTING ALSO ANTMINER S9 / S9i / Z9 / Z9 mini / V9 / L3+ / L3++ / D3

Hello there!

I’m very glad to announce the first release of Minera a new web management system for your Gridseed (Mini/Blade) mining devices.

Minera includes as miner software: Download Minera v.0.9.2

* CPUminer-GC3355 fork
* BFGminer latest original version
* CGminer latest original version
* CGminer Dmaxl Zeus fork
* PhoenixMiner v.4.5, 4.6, 4.7c
* Bminer original version

It should support every CGminer/BFGminer forks as well.

Since the 0.9.x version Minera supports also network miners as:

* Antminer S9
* Antminer L3+
* Antminer D3

Since the 0.5.x version Minera supports also network miners as:

* Antminer S1 / S3 / S5
* Rockminer
* Any network miner with cgminer/bfgminer
* Other Minera system

Here you can find the complete Minera image file for Raspberry PI

v0.9.2 ->

Feedbacks are very welcome!

If you like Minera please consider a donation to support its development: you can donate to my BTC address: 1AmREReHNLec9EaW7gLRdW31LNSDA9SGR1

Minera 0.9.2 is out!
* Login security bug fixed
* Scan network added network to be scanned
* Fixed bug preventing Minera to run in Raspberry 3 Model B+
* Fixed Cgminer to allow any Antminer model with or without JSON bug (S9, S9i, L3+, L3++, D3, Z9, Z9mini, V9)
* Changed way to purchase lifetime license ads-free
* Local miners added (PhoenixMiner, Bminer)
* Local miners updated (Cgminer, Bfgminer,Bminer)

Minera 0.9.1 is out!

* Login security bug fixed
* Scan network added network to be scanned
* Fixed bug preventing Minera to run in Raspberry 3 Model B+
* Fixed Cgminer to allow any Antminer model with or without JSON bug (S9, S9i, L3+, L3++, D3, Z9, Z9mini, V9)
* Changed way to purchase lifetime license ads-free
* Fixed price for license to 50$ (can be paid with several coins now)
* Local miners updated (Cgminer, Bfgminer)
* Added “Futurebit Moonlander 2” custom miner

Minera 0.9.0 is out!

* Added support for Antminer S9 / L3+ / D3
* Bugs fixed
* Manual install should work now

Minera 0.8.0 is out!

* Several bugs fixed

Minera 0.8.0 is out!

* Several bugs fixed
* Upgraded to lastest Codeigniter version (framework)
* Upgraded to latest Raspbian Strecth release (image file)
* Upgraded to use PHP7.0
* Added Minera ID to lock screen and sidebar
* Added BCH (Bitcoin Cash) to profitability table
* Added ccminer as local miner (need tests)

Minera 0.7.0 is out!

* Bug fix Limit on number of network miners
* Enhancement: hostname/system name of miner on login/lock page
* Updated miners with latest versions (Cgminer and Bfgminer)
* Updated Raspbian version to Jessie Debian release (You need to flash your SD Card read more below)
* Removed all save buttons and introduced the new one-save-button
* Added reset logs button to clean up log system files (only Minera and miners)
* Added system info at lockscreen
* Changed Refresh button position (on top!)
* Introduced Ads in Minera (yes I know, you don’t like)
* Introduced the Remove Ads button (only 0.01 Btc for system forever, read more below)
* Lot of other small fixes/enhancement

Minera 0.6.2 is out!

* This is only a maintenance version to update the dead Multi pool with the LTC one.
* Updated Bfgminer to latest version (5.4.1)

Minera 0.6.1 is out!

* Fixed time donation for cgminer users
* Fixed Cgminer Dmaxl pool hashrate bug
* Added remember dashboard panels status collapsed or not
* Added dashboard panel settings enable/disable
* Removed any reference to MobileMiner
* Added bitstamp rates Usd + Eur in mining profitability panel
* Fixed bug with update…shit! I’m sorry for this


Minera 0.6.0 is out!

* Fixed various minor bugs
* Fixed altcoin data update
* Fixed change hostname
* Upgraded framework version (Codeigniter from 2.1.4 to 2.2.2)
* Fixed build script git clone
* Fixed export JSON bug
* Fixed dup labels in charts
* Added local pools dashboard actions (add/remove/select on the fly)
* Added default records per page setting
* Added factory reset
* Added general options (logs and json append) to manual local miner settings
* Added logs for custom miner softwares
* Added mining profitability box on dashboard
* Fixed sidebar scrolling
* Added sidebar dashboard icons/links
* Updated Minera system ID based on ethernet Mac Address
* Changed Minera username donation pool to reflect the Minera System ID
* Donation profit now got from live profit data
* Summer cleaning
* Added bower vendor packages
* Added Grunt task manager to build Minera files
* Added task for minify/uglify css/js
* Added environment configs
* Lock and sysop pages code rewritten
* Added CDNs for icon fonts (Awesome / Ionicons)
* Added Lighttpd conf to compress JSON calls and different mimetypes files (only on image build)
* Added script to install Minera on a non-Raspberry hardware

Minera 0.5.0 is out!

* Ability to add network miners like Antminer, Rockminer, etc…
* Ability to add other remote Minera system as network miner (this works only if the network Minera uses bfgminer/cgminer as local miner, doesn’t work for cpuminer)
* Automatically scan the LAN network to discover network miners
* Add/Remove/Select pools on the fly for network miners
* New network miners widgets
* Fixed change web password
* Fixed wrong current pool in Mobileminer
* Ability to change system hostname from settings page
* Ability to change system user password from settings page
* Added option to not append the JSON conf file to the local miner command
* Added Eur/Usd BTC rates
* Added errors from log file if miner won't start
* Restyled dashboard page when local miner isn’t running (now it shows other info also if miner is stopped or it won’t start)
* Added network miners to Mobileminers (you will have a new miner system for every network miner you have)
* Updated Built-in local miners to the latest version
* Added fix for libusb library
* Added preconfigured miner options (I added several pre-configured options to the settings page so newbies have everything ready to start)
* Rewrote of topbar widgets now visible on every pages
* Fixed focus event on Firefox (duplicate table rows on page reload)
* Updated jQuery
* Lots of code rewrite

Minera 0.4.1 is out!

* Added pool proxy setup
* Added Github star button
* Added algo info to the stats
* Added auto switch donation pool based on algo (you can now donate mining time in SHA-256 too)
* Fix sending empty stats to mobileminer
* Pools bug fix
* New Minera image with Raspberry PI 2 support (Please refer to this wiki page if you are updating via web)

Minera 0.4.0 is out!

* Fixed security hole
* Fixed MHz bug
* Fixed simultaneous pool issue
* Recoded Mobileminer actions
* Improved security
* hashed web password
* Added Coinbase donation buttons
* Ability to add custom miners
* Skin selection (black/blue)
* New blue skin
* Minor fixes

Edit: 16 October 2014
Minera 0.3.8 is out!

* Fixed big bug on minerStop method, it prevented every miner excluding cpuminer from stopping
* Updated Bfgminer/Cgminer to latest versions

Edit: 10 October 2014
Minera 0.3.7 is out!

* Fixed MobileMiner SHA256 bug
* Updated Bfgminer/Cgminer to latest versions

Edit: 29 September 2014
Minera 0.3.6 is out!

* Updated miner binary files
* Small fixes
* Added script to build miner

Edit: 19 August 2014
Minera 0.3.5 is out!

* Added switcher instead checkbox
* Added export/import complete system settings
* Added save/load/share miner configs
* Fixed issue with cgminerStartupScript
* Updated BfGminer to 4.7.0 and CGminer to latest commit
* Added fixed header
* Many minor bug fixes

Edit: 03 August 2014
Minera 0.3.4 is out!

* Fixed big bug causing saved data lost if reboot, now each saves have a Redis BGSAVE included to persist the data in the disk immediately
* Added ability to start the miner process as superuser/root instead the minera one, this could be useful for some kind of devices that need access special stuff in the system
* Updated Bfgminer to 4.6.0-6-g8f60a5f and Cgminer to 4.5.0

Edit: 29 July 2014
Minera 0.3.3 is out!

* This release just updates Bfgminer and Cgminer to their latest relative versions.
* Reverted Cgminer Dmaxl Zeus fork to support Zeus & Gridseeds (Note, there are known

Edit: 21 July 2014
Minera 0.3.2 is out!

* Added MobileMiner actions start,stop,restart,switch
* Added send anonymous stats
* Added temp/freq when available
* Fixed logging with cgminer and forks
* Fixed pool hashrate dmaxl
* Updated Bfgminer and Cgminer-Dmaxl to latest versions
* Added reset buttons
* Many bugs fixed

Edit: 15 July 2014
Minera 0.3.1 is out!

* Several bugs fixed after 0.3.0 release
* Added web terminal window to login into the system directly from the dashboard

Edit: 14 July 2014
Minera 0.3.0 is out!

* Added miner software switcher
* Included CPUminer, CGminer, BFGminer, CGminer Dmaxl Zeus fork
* Added scheduled event (reboot/restart)
* Added ajax methods for save settings and miner actions
* Various bug fixes

Edit: 04 July 2014
Minera 0.2.3 is out!

* Added digital clock
* Fixed Cryptsy timeouts
* Added pool donation remove button
* Changed frequency step from 5 to 1
* Fixed display devices legend
* Added avg stats 1min,5min,1hour,1day
* Added charts hourly,daily,monthly,yearly
* Added average stats badge
* Various bug fixes

Edit: 16 June 2014
Minera 0.2.2 is out!

* Added donations time based
* Added temperature scales C°/F°
* Added sortable box for touch devices too
* Added earnings calculator to the dashboard
* Increasead altcoins to 5
* Added lockscreen autofocus
* Javascript code rewriting may be fixed datatable random issue (?)
* PHP code rewriting to add BFGMiner/CGMiner support
* Added credits in README
* Various fixes

First realese 11 June 2014
Minera 0.2.1 is out!

* Added custom altcoins rates (go to settings and choose your preferred ones, max 3)
* Added autorestart if there are X devices possible dead (go to settings and enable it, if X devices won’t send shares for over than 10 minutes miner will be restarted)
* Added fixed Minera donation pool (Don’t panic! This doesn’t mean there is a Minera “fee”, you can still add as many pools as you want and keep the minera’s one for last)
* Removed url pool check when adding a new one (you can put any string you want as Pool url)
* Added system uptime
* only on fresh install – Added wicd-curses package to easily manage WiFi cards (if you wanna have it just run: sudo apt-get install wicd-curses)



About karu

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