New Site - LORO INVESTMENTS - | Kiếm Tiền Trên Mạng - Make Money Online

“Đầu tư luôn có 1 mức độ rủi ro nhất định. Các nhà đầu tư cần cân nhắc kỹ mức độ rủi ro trước khi ra quyết định đầu tư.”

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Who We Are?

At LORO INVESTMENTS our customers are our top priority, so we always strive to provide them with first class service.

At LORO INVESTMENTS, we provide an effective platform for passive profit, which was designed in such a way as to avoid any financial losses for our clients. Many people choose LORO INVESTMENTS, because we are making maximum efforts in order to reduce financial losses for our investors.

As our customer, you can be sure that your financial future is stable and secure.

Added TRIAL listing at : Apr 2nd, 2020


4.5% Daily / 31 days, 5.5% Daily / 27 days, 7.5% Daily / 25 days, 10.5% Daily / 23 days, 12.5% Daily / 20 days, 17.5% Daily / 17 days, 22.5% Daily / 10 days, 25.5% Daily / 7 days.

Minimal Spend: 5$

Maximal Spend: 850,000$

-We accept: Perfect Money / Payeer / Bitcoin / Ethereum / LiteCoin

-Dedicated DDoS protected Server

-Hosting provider: Cloudflare, Inc.


CloudFlare Inc ECC CA-2(ValidTo: 2020-10-09)

IP : Nameservers :

Hoster : Cloudflare, Inc. DAMIAN.NS.CLOUDFLARE.COM (


Registrar : NameCheap, Inc.

Created : 2020-03-03

Updated : 2020-03-23

Expires :

-Referral commission: 3 Levels: 7% – 3% -1%

-Instant Withdraw

Link to view and register ==>>>

Our investment:

The amount of 50 USD has been withdrawn from your account. Accounts: U2917300->U22431015. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Pay from128.. Date: 03:26 02.04.20. Batch: 309504849.

$ 50 lifetime insurance for this program!

We will support here later!



About karu

Author Description here.. Nulla sagittis convallis. Curabitur consequat. Quisque metus enim, venenatis fermentum, mollis in, porta et, nibh. Duis vulputate elit in elit. Mauris dictum libero id justo.

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