When you put money on deposit, you start getting 0.6% of income the following day. Your investment sum gets frozen for 30 days and you’re be able to withdraw only the income you'll receive.
Also on balance 0.2% accruals every 24 hours. As 30 days pass, your daily income percentage increases by 0.1%, which means that you'll receive 0.7% of income from the deposit sum. Percentage increase every 30 days.
The maximum income you can get is 1.5% a day. The maximum investment period is 10 months. When this time passes, your income percentage goes back to 0.6% and starts increasing again.
However, if you'd want to withdraw funds (the whole sum or its part) after a period of 30 days or later, your income percentage progress resets to the initial 0.6%. To put it simply, the longer your deposit is intact, the better. The deposit sum (whole or in part) cannot be withdrawn during the first 30 days.