HYIP - BITOMATIC Review - Bitomatic.io | Kiếm Tiền Online

Chú ý: Hình thức đầu tư có rủi ro. Các nhà đầu tư phải cân nhắc kỹ trước khi ra quyết định!

I am not the admin or the owner of the project, I don't know the admin!


Started: 20/11/2020
Payouts: Manual (within 24 hours, minimum withdrawal amount for fiat is $88)
Ref-offer 5%

Technical details (information from ISP and HyipLogs resources):

  • Domain: NameCheap, Inc., May 26, 2020 – May 26, 2026
  • SSL: Free SSL valid from 11 Dec, 2020 to 11 Mar, 2021 – Let’s Encrypt
  • Hosting: Amazon.com
  • IP-address: (United Kingdom / London) IP not used in other projects
  • Script: undefined
  • Simillar text HYIPs: 0
  • Simillar design HYIPs: 0


Bitomatic is a high-tech platform built with the latest technology and with an innovative dual-token system. They are the smart-bridge between the traders, trading-pools, and their members


Investment plans:

Investment Offers: Depending on the BTOK amount you stake

  • 44-4999 BTOK: 15% monthly ROI
  • 5000-29999 BTOK: 18% monthly
  • ROI 30000+ BTOK: 20% monthly ROI

Registered company profile: Apn_bitomatic_EN_102020_v1.1.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/bitworldltd



Today I introduce to investors a new long-term project that we invest in, the project officially appeared on the internet 11/20/2020. The project is in beta and can currently be invested as usual. The site works in the form of token BTOK = 1usd. With a min withdrawal of 88USD = 88BTOK, if you want to withdraw after 1 month, you must invest 590usd. We really don't talk much about the project, you can refer to the website and decide is yours My portfolio is "OUR INVESTMENT". Note the project is not for new investors because they are not yet able to lose that amount.

We only introduce to investors projects we invest in according to their own capital allocation. Me and do not take all responsibility when a risk occurs because we ourselves lose money.You should not overinvest the amount you can lose. Motto "Protect capital and generated achievements before taking profit off. future profit ".The investment decision is yours. If you need more detailed information about the project, you can inbox me @ Myhyips24h

Important note: Online investment always has a certain level of risk. Investors should carefully consider the level of risk before making investment decisions

This topic was created for the purpose of information. I am not responsible for your decisions!




About karu

Author Description here.. Nulla sagittis convallis. Curabitur consequat. Quisque metus enim, venenatis fermentum, mollis in, porta et, nibh. Duis vulputate elit in elit. Mauris dictum libero id justo.

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